The Summer SCR (Society for Case Research) Workshop is rapidly approaching! This year's workshop is a hybrid at Lipscomb University in Nashville and
Cost is $90 (including a 1-year SCR membership) or $100 (including a 1-year SCR Membership and the case writer's workshop).
The Society for Case Research invites cases and papers from faculty with an interest in case writing. View our manuscript guidelines here.
The preferred submission date is this Friday, June 25.
Late submissions will be considered, time permitted. Authors should use the "Call for Papers" link in the left-hand menu of the conference page.
Submissions can include:
1. Embryo cases - Have an idea for a case? Create a short draft and identify some learning outcomes. That's all you need to participate. Your embryo will receive feedback from experienced case writers.
2. Full case studies - The Journal of Case Studies (JCS) and Business Case Journal (BCJ) publish full-length case studies in two or three issues a year. Submissions should include both a case and teaching note. JCS has a September submission deadline. BCJ accepts submissions throughout the year.
3. Critical incidents - The Journal of Critical Incidents (JCI) is an annual journal that publishes short cases (3 pages maximum) that focus on a single decision point. JCI has a late May submission deadline.
4. Articles - Both JCS and BCJ accept articles related to case writing.
As with past workshops, this year’s event will be a great opportunity for you to receive feedback from other case writers about your cases, critical incidents, and embryo cases.
Also part of this summer’s workshop will be our popular case writers bootcamp program, to be held immediately preceding the regular workshop sessions on Monday, July 19, 2021.
Led by instructors with years of experience as case writers and editors of case journals, the case writers bootcamp will help those new to case study research and writing (as well as those wanting a "refresher" on the subject!) refine their ideas into case studies that can be effectively used in the classroom and pass through the peer-review process toward publication in case journals.